Doctoral Dissertations
Dissertations from 2025
Generalization Outcomes Given Multiple Exemplars or Mediating Response Strategies, Irene Looi
Dissertations from 2024
An Application of the Matching Law to Text Messaging, Brenna Anderson
Outcomes of the Application of Methods of Subtyping Self-Injury Behavior to Stereotypy, Tiago de Man
Effects of Single and Multiple Exemplar Training on Acquisition and Generalization of Functional Skills, Mariana Guimaraes
Long-term Analysis of Competing Stimuli in the Treatment of Automatically Maintained Problem Behavior, Meline Pogosjana
An Evaluation of Self-Monitoring for Increasing Physical Activity, Holly Wiggins
Dissertations from 2023
Production planning in the context of Industry 4.0 with focus on efficient job allocation & workers' real-time status, Abdullah Mohammed Albassam
When Red Apples are Green : Generalization by Picture Type, Kelsey F. Burren
An evaluation of preference for work over play following a history of effective working, Matthew J. Carbone
Evaluation of a competition using a fitness tracker for increasing physical activity, Chelsea Headquist
An Evaluation of Balance Delivered via Telehealth, Kara A. LaCroix
Improving quality of video calls between parents and their children living in a residential setting, Alicia Zhi Hoon Lim
Identifying the active components of a visual schedule intervention in a school setting, Tanya N. Mouzakes
Integrating fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis and technology adoption models to the preparation of developing nations for passenger vehicle electrification, Janose D. Osedeme
A Contingency Analysis of Social Referencing, Pamela N. Peterson
An evaluation of strengthening precursors to increase compliance with instructions, Jacqueline P. Rogalski
The effects of protective equipment on therapist safety and severe problem behavior, Emily K. Sullivan
Dissertations from 2022
Design complexity, performance, and cost analysis in additively manufactured manifold microchannel heat exchangers, Marwan Zweid Alsulami
The effects of consequence discrimination training and differential observing response training on observational learning during group instruction, Sydney J. Berkman
Evaluation of a booster arrangement in mitigating the effects of treatment integrity failure, Aimee L. Courtemanche
Evaluation of a visual imagining teaching procedure to increase recall of past events with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, Julie M. Dunbar
Concurrent schedules of differential reinforcement of alternative behavior in the treatment of problem behavior without extinction, Chelsea Rose Fleck
Continuous and brief conditionered reinforcers ; A comparative analysis, Joshua M. Jackson
Sometimes you need a longer fork : training time-management skills in undergraduate students, Sarah L. Leathe
A framework for implementing engineering design for additive manufacturing education, Lisa K. Murray
Methodologies for modeling lithium-ion battery capacity degredation based on entropy measures, Alireza Namdari
Dynamics of human fixed-ratio performance, Andrew E. Nuzzolilli
An examination of delay discounting with and without contingency descriptions, Stephanie Upshaw
Teaching pretend play to toddlers with autism, Laura E. Wilhelm
Dissertations from 2021
Probabilistic bridge deterioration prediction, applied analytics, and predictive modeling, Alireza Jamalipour
Distance-based collaborations for assessing and treating problem behavior, Rachel L. Metras
The effects of client responding on caregiver presentation of skill-building procedures, Kara M. Verseckes
Problem Solving and Clinical Decision-Making: Teaching ABA Trainees to Select Measurement Methods, Emily White
Dissertations from 2020
Computer-based email training for undergraduates, Thomas G. Farnsworth
Practical functional assessment and treatment of pediatric food selectivity, Holly C. Gover
Examining stereotypy when promoting appropriate behavior : Reinforcement and response interruption and redirection, Haley M.K. Steinhauser
Dissertations from 2019
Resource constrained operating room scheduling, Musa Demirtas
Critical network project management (CNPN\M) : a risk-based critical network project protection and monitoring methodology, David E. Greenslade
Understanding the effects of prompting immediately after problem behavior occurs during functional communication training, Robin K. Landa
Persistence of responding following DRA treatment in multiple phases of extinction, Cormac MacManus
On the reliability and treatment utility of the practical functional assessment process, Adithyan Rajaraman
An evaluation of balance : a home-based parent training program addressing emerging problem behavior, Kelsey W. Ruppel
Does teaching an omnibus mand preclude the development of specifying mands?, Shannon Ward
Dissertations from 2018
Prognostic methodologies for repeated measurement data of multiple units, Jian Guo
Using an eye-tracker as an assessment tool for concussion diagnosis and fitness to drive in teens, Atefeh Katrahmani
Manualized parent training of incidental teaching, Erin M. Michaud
Enhancing supply chain robustness through network emergence and cascading failure modelling, Ashley Skeete
Progressive applications of extinction procedures to assess response class membership of multiple topogrohphies of problem behavior, Christine A. Warner
Dissertations from 2017
Effects of exchange delays on token reinforcement, Mary-Katherine Carey
Determining the generality of preference assessment outcomes across prices, Allison J. Castile
Effects of pre-session exposure to reinforcers on correct responding and problem behavior of children with autism, Charlotte C. Mann
Reliability modeling and optimization of new product development (NPD) process, Mohammadsadegh Mobin
Peer attention for problem behavior of persons with intellectual disabilities : Prevalence and relevance, Kylie M. Short
Pausing and escape in transitions between different schedules of reinforcement, Berglind Sveinbjornsdottir
An evaluation of a punisher assessment for decreasing automatically reinforced problem behavior, Amanda L. Verriden
Dissertations from 2016
Baseline spectral absorbance profile : a point-of-care methodology for detecting substandard pharmaceuticals /, Aliea Anoshaa Afnan
An analysis of treatment integrity of response interruption and redirection, Candice L. Colon-Kwedor
AIterative optimization-based simulation (IOS) with predictable and unpredictable trigger events in simulated time, Mohammad Dehghanimohammadabadi
The effects of guided notes on pre-lecture quiz scores in introductory psychology, Kathryn Glodowski
A preference analysis of reinforcer variation, sequence, and choice, Laura A. Hanratty
Coordinating supply chain financing, Wanying Shi
Interview informed functional analyses : a comparison of synthesized and isolated variables, Jessica Slaton
Dissertations from 2015
Integrity and social validity of parent-implemented discrete-trial training, Kerry Ann Conde
Remediating overselective stimulus control by systematically thinning a differential observing response, Rachel S. Farber
Contingencies are necessary for promoting delay tolerance, Mahshid Ghaemmaghami
Assessing and treating anxiety in individuals with autism, Keira M. Moore
Dissertations from 2014
Teaching verbal behavior : a systematic comparison of commonly used echoic teaching procedures, Catia Cividini-Motta
Effects of low-integrity teaching on acquisition and durability of self-care skills, Maeve G. Donnelly
The distance travelled between points A and B depends on differences in reinforcement : a translational evaluation of transitions, Joshua Jessel
Teaching observational learning to children diagnosed with autism, Jacquelyn MacDonald
Assessment and treatment of disruptive behavior maintained by escape from dental procedures for individuals with autism, Kelly L. McConnell
Teaching children with autism to respond to conversation partners' interest, Lindsay C. Peters
Manipulation of reinforcement schedules, discriminative stimuli, and motivating operations in producing mands in multioperant environments, Jonathan P. Seaver
Dissertations from 2013
A comparative analysis of behavioral treatments for addressing sleep interfering behaviors of young children, Chunying Sandy Jin
Evaluating procedures derived from the conditional discrimination literature to teach advanced intraverbals to children with autism spectrum disorders, April N. Kisamore
On the utility of matrix training for teaching action-object relations to preschoolers : a comparative analysis, Meghan E. Martineau
Using an early skills assessment to assess outcome of early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism, Diana E. Parry-Cruwys
Teaching tacting of private events based on public accompaniments : Effects of contingencies, audience control, and stimulus complexity, Corey S. Stocco
Dissertations from 2012
Effects of prompts requiring simple and conditional discriminative control in the acquisition of conditional discriminations, Paula Braga-Kenyon
Merging separately established stimulus classes with outcome-specific reinforcement, Cammerie Johnson
An evaluation of a response-prompt assessment, Jessica L. Seaver
Evaluation of computerized behavioral skills training to teach safety skills to young children, Nicholas R. Vanselow
Dissertations from 2011
Behavioral variability in selection of play items : Assessment, treatment, and generalization, Stacie L. Bancroft
Improving compliance by teaching preschoolers to respond effectively to a teacher's call of their name and their group, Lauren Beaulieu
Evaluation of assessment methods for identifying social reinforcers, Maureen A. Kelly
Small group teaching strategies for promoting acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of functional communication and self-control skills with preschoolers, Kevin C. Luczynski
Increasing the amount and complexity of play in adolescents diagnosed with autism by refining the tactic of ""using stereotypy as reinforcement"", Jacqueline N. Potter
Assessment and treatment of arranging and ordering in individuals with autism, Nicole M. Rodriguez
Dissertations from 2010
Evaluation of a self-instruction package for conducting stimulus preference assessments, Richard B. Graff
Some determinants of choice within a computer-based game of chance, Allen Karsina
Assessment and treatment of off-task behavior exhibited by adolescents with autism in vocational contexts, Magda M. Stropnik