Document Type



College of Arts and Sciences




PhD in Behavior Analysis

Dissertation Defense Date


First Committee Member

Hanley, Gregory P.

Second Committee Member

Dickson, Chata A.

Third Committee Member

Roscoe, Eileen M.

Additional Committee Member(s)

Thompson, Rachel H.


"General and long term outcomes of functional analysis training have not yet been reported. Within a randomized control trial, we trained 18 behavior analytic practitioners to design and conduct a practical functional assessment (PFA) of severe problem behavior, which relies on an interview and personalized analysis. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups, and those who experienced the seminar prior to conducting the process with a confederate demonstrated more PFA component skills than those who were provided the same materials but who did not experience the seminar (mean scores: 87%, 36% respectively). Participants who experienced the seminar also considered the training valuable and reported greater confidence in their ability to achieve control in an analysis. Several participants then conducted a PFA with a client who engaged in severe problem behavior. Results showed that their skills transferred to these authentic applications. Results suggest that a seminar-based training can increase practitioners’ ability to functionally analyze problem behavior and leads to subsequent analytic activity."
