Document Type



College of Engineering


Industrial and Engineering Management


PhD in Engineering Management

Dissertation Defense Date


First Committee Member

Salmon, Christian

Second Committee Member

Niknam, Seyed A.

Third Committee Member

Romoser, Matthew R.

Additional Committee Member(s)

Gerard, Joseph G.; Cheraghi, Hossein S.


"The objective of this research is to produce a new project management framework with an improved likelihood that any project managed within the proposed framework will meet the triple constraints and that the framework will be utilized by industry. For this, the proposed framework will 1) develop a buffer (safety time) sizing method that captures the dominate proportion of risk induced by the triple constraints of Goldratt and the six constraints of the PMI, in a manner that is more accessible to the project manager relative to current industry practice, and 2) has an associated buffer managing methodology that leverages the resolution of the buffer sizing method to a greater extent such that deviations from acceptable parameters are traceable with relevant metrics that consider the asymmetric nature of risk in a project."
