Master's Theses
Theses from 2025
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Teaching a General Repertoire of Self-Identification, Hansla Bindra
The In Vitro Investigation of Natural Products and Derivative Compounds as Potential Treatment of Colorectal Cancer, Dominick C. Buccitti III
Effects of Response Effort on Resurgence, Hannah Byrne
A Component Analysis of Sleep-Conducive Behavior in a Young Adult with Autism, Shannon P. Campbell
Analysis of Employee Use of the PDC-HS to Address a Targeted Problem in the Workplace, Annie Nicole Castilla
Effects of a General Video Model on Staff Implementation of Forward Chaining Procedures, Emily Curtis
Validation of a Brief Response Restriction Preference Assessment, Matthew T. Darcy
Identifying Sensitivity to Reinforcer Parameters with Brief Parametric Analyses, Jasmine Edge
Comparing Stimulus Set Sizes Using a Computerized Match-to-Sample Training Program for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Thomas Freeman
Reliability of Expert Judgement Elicitation in the field of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vinith Gajendra
Investigation of the Toxicology of Phytoecdysteroids and their Mammalian Metabolites using an Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Cell Line, Connor Moriarty
Evaluating Self-Control Choice in a Child with Autism, Jenna Pedrotti
Microfluidic Chip for Uniform Size Distribution of a Lipid Nanoparticle Emulsion, Alyssa M. Pompi
Improving the Quality of Family Video Calls with an Activity Schedule, Miriam Ramirez Hernandez
A Land-Use Planning Framework for Commercial Small Hub Airports for the Adoption and Storage of Liquid Hydrogen Fuel, Panambur Rachan Rao
Synthesis of Novel 5-HT7 Receptor Agonists and the Potential Pharmacological Effect on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hallie Robertson
Factors Influencing Article Citations in Top OBGYN Journals, Marzieh Soheili
Effects of Restricted and Free-Access to Stimuli on Manding, Yuri Vanessa Tovar Labrador
The Use of Concurrent Progressive Magnitude Schedules to Scale Reinforcer Value, Lucia M. Trama
Procedural Integrity and the Shaping of Behavior: Effects of a Single Error, Jaclyn Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Predictive validity of selection-based versus engagement-based preference assessments for extended leisure engagement, Alexandra E. Casella
Evaluating Telehealth Parent Training to Teach Behavioral Chains to Children with Autism, Gianna Davino
Evaluating the Performance Diagnostic Checklist – Human Services Across Supervisors, Kristin Gaudet
Continuous Casting of Microencapsulated Alloys as Phase Change Materials, Yuri A. Gulak
Evaluation of a self-instruction package for conducting stimulus preference assessments : a systematic replication, Rebecca M. Hunt
Incorporating Cultural Considerations While Training Parents to Implement Functional Communication Training, Andrea Jernigan
Displacement of Healthful Food Reinforcers by Unhealthful Foods During Preference, Grace Koonce
Teaching Cooperative Play in Children With Autism in a Public School Setting, Rachel Leclaire
Subtyping and Treatment of Restrictive Interests and Repetitive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ashley R. Matthews
An Evaluation of Progressive-Ratio Schedules Using Different Break Points, Madison R. McNinch
Examination of Procedural Variations for Presenting Competing Stimuli in the Treatment of Automatically Maintained Behavior, Kimberly Morrison
Effects of stimulus preference on self-control in canines, Rachel J. Muskin
An Examination of the Effects of Competing Stimuli and Supplemental Procedural Variations in the Treatment of Stereotypy, Noor Mustafa
A Comparison of Teaching Procedures to Teach Auditory-Visual Matching-to-Sample Tasks, Alice Pauly
Evaluating the Performance Diagnostic Checklist - Human Services to Increase Staff Adherence to Residential Student Privacy Guidelines, Mallory E. Pracella
Assessing and Increasing Physical Activity Engagement for Individuals with Autism, Lauren Rae
Treatment for Improving Sleep-Conducive Behavior: A Component Analysis, Emily Christine Stevens
Telehealth Training on Functional Behavior Assessment and Brief Treatment Implementation, Ai Jia Tan
Glucosamine Loaded Liposome Permeability, Irritability, and Release Evaluation, Brianna G. Tarasek
Evaluating Social Validity of the New England Center for Children Core Skill Assessment, Le Thao Vy Vo
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Remote staff training for the implementation of thorough student handwashing, Angelica Maria Arcuri
Examination of delay discounting with and without contingency descriptions, Taylor N. Bakalar
Effects of a general video model on parents' implementation of graduated guidance, Victoria Casal
Story of establishing stimulus control, Claudia Cwalina
Effects of mixed-trial versus interspersed-mixed-trial teaching on the emergence of bidirectional naming, Marisa Deschenes
Comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of vocal and textual feedback using preferred stimuli in behavioral skills training, Madelyn Douglas
Teaching children with autism to respond cooperatively in the presence of law enforcement officers, Dominique Marquette Fisher
Naturalistic approach to the treatment of stereotypy, Mattie Goad
Teaching pretend play to toddlers with autism, Elizabeth A. Kochan
Addressing the interdependency of k and s parameters in hyperboloid discounting models using modified regression procedures and half-life calculations, Jacquelyn E. Lanphear
Recombinative generalization and matrix training : methods for acquisition of untaught components, Audrey A. Mittan
Comparison of physical and simultaneous video prompts in the acquisition of play and vocational tasks, Amanda B. Pendergrass
Increasing data collection using e-mail feedback, Rachel V. Powers
Analysis of particle attribute of microencapsulated phase change materials using long short-term memory, Rebecca Shannon
Effects of peer attention on problem behavior in individuals with autism, Stephanie Upshaw
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Evaluating preference for and reinforcing variable leisure selection, Annie Adelsberger
Assessment of the effects of boom cards on establishing conditional discriminations, Jamie Anderson
Training staff to implement discrete trial instruction procedures using Train-to-Code???, Ryland Baker
Increasing compliance with nasal swab procedures, MaKenzie L. Briere
Using video modeling via telehealth to increase procedural integrity across teachers implementing the core skills assessment, Tori Coldren
Evaluation of the predictive validity and applications of reference assessments in the development of leisure repertoires, Taylor E. Collins
Evaluating the effectiveness of a web-based program of instruction, Megan Cook
Increasing compliance with pill swallowing in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Finley A. Cruger
Assessment and remediation of procedural integrity errors on task analyses, Danielle Dickie
Examining stereotypy when promoting appropriate behavior : reinforcement and response interruption and redirection, Cassidy G. Doggett
Teaching helping to a child with autism using a multiple-exemplar matrix model and video modeling, Shemariah J. Ellis
Teaching caregivers to implement video prompting in telehealth, Vivian Eyssallem
Bringing leisure initiation under control of natural environmental cues, Sean Ernest Ferris
Effectiveness of using a contingency management on improving graduate student behavior, Mary E. Grega
Evaluating the performance diagnostic checklist???human services to improve support teacher behavior in specialized classes, Johanna Hardy
Assessing the correspondence between stability of paired-stimulus preference assessment and progressive-ration data, Shawn J. Janetzke
Evaluating direct and indirect reinforcement contingencies in children with autism, Elizabeth K. Johnson
Using matrix training to promote the generalization of waiting, Jillian Klotz
Maintenance of treatment effect for automatically reinforced stereotypy in individuals with autism, Carmen Kong (Kah Mun)
Assessing and increasing physical activity engagement for individuals with autism, Hannah Krueger
Evaluation of a video feedback treatment package to improve social pragmatics in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Nicole LaPan
Imitation-to-matching procedure for establishing auditory discrimination with children with autism, Joanna Liew
Increasing functional engagement and reducing stereotypy using competing stimuli following an augmented competing stimulus assessment, Catlyn A. Li Volsi
Video modeling as training tool for staff cohorts implementing graduated guidance, Anna McFadden
Use of matrix training for teaching delayed imitation; evaluating changes in video modeling task performance, Kyla McHaffie
Assessing automated self-monitoring and feedback for increasing physical activity, Nabil Mezhoudi
Remote application of the matching law to a gamified text-messaging preparation, Kayla Minehart
Experimental characterization of droplet oscillation under a shear gas flow, Dominic Michael Myren
Resurgence of spatially defined behavior, Julianna Pelkey
Examination of delay discounting with and without contingency descriptions, Stephanie Pena
Procedural variations of using competing stimuli in the treatment of automatically maintained behavior, Jennifer Ploeger
Video modeling approach to train abduction prevention skills, Jonathan Priehs
Increasing variability in play using lag schedules, Natividad Rodriguez
Eliminating severe problem behavior in a child's typical setting : use of a synthesized contingency analysis and skill-based treatment, Joana L. Santiago
Evaluation of video prompting methods on proper handwashing, Ashley Scannell
Evaluating the paired stimulus preference assessment for identifying social interaction for skill acquisition, Alison Schaefer
Multiple alternative responses and resurgence : does training sequence matter?, Jennifer L. Schwartz
Effects of data sampling on graphical depictions of learning, Mary-Katherine Sellers
Peer attention for problem behavior of persons with intellectual disabilities : prevalence and relevance, Kylie M. Short
Assessment of unreplenished vs. replenished reinforcer pools, Monica A. Spear
Component analysis of the effects of social stories on social pragmatic skills for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Samantha Stevenson