Comparing Stimulus Set Sizes Using a Computerized Match-to-Sample Training Program for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Document Type
College of Arts and Sciences
M.S. Applied Behavior Analysis
Date Completed
Spring 2024
First Committee Member
Thompson, Rachel H.
Second Committee Member
Dickson, Chata A.
The following study includes a comparison between 3 different set sizes (4 sets of 3, 2 sets of 6, and 1 set of 12) for match-to-sample (MTS) learning. All sets were taught using a comparison array of three stimuli. The participant for this study reached mastery the fastest for all 12 stimuli within a pool for the pool that was taught using 1 set of 12 stimuli for the first data set with an auditory sample and for the pool taught with 2 sets of 6 stimuli for the second data set with a visual sample.
Recommended Citation
Freeman, Thomas, "Comparing Stimulus Set Sizes Using a Computerized Match-to-Sample Training Program for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder" (2024). Master’s Theses - College of Arts and Sciences. 276.