Master's Theses

Master's Theses



Theses/Dissertations from 2017

Conducting preference assessments using video conferencing software : a comparison of gifs and still shots, Humberto Sanchez

A-CSA : variations in the delivery of stimuli in treating stereotypy, Alexis Shostek

Evaluating the effects of outcome-specific consequences in teaching categories to individuals with autism, Daniela Silva

Promoting generalization of hand washing with general case instruction, Zalika M. Tyrell

Using fading to increase cooperation with medical and hygiene procedures, Christian Yensen

Theses/Dissertations from 2016

Teaching social initiations using textual scripts and video modeling, Kaitlyn Arnold

Using video modeling to train parents to implement joint attention procedures, Soo Leng Beh

Comparing procedures for training staff to create single-subject design graphs using GraphPad Prism, Sydney Joshua Berkman

Comparing the reinforcing efficacy of tokens and backup reinforcers, Stephanie A. Bonfonte

Establishing a broad-based leisure repertoire through shifting preference of newly acquired activities, Adela Castellon

Teaching a generalized repertoire of helping others, Megan Cicolello

Evaluation of behavior sampling procedures for event recording, Melissa L. Clark

Effects of programmed errors on skill acquisition during a match-to-sample task, Nikki Conrod

Establishing stimulus control of motor stereotypy, Britney Creed

Behavioral variability in selection of play items : assessment and treatment, Thomas G. Farnsworth

Evaluating the use of redirection procedures in the treatment of inappropriate sexualized behavior, Lauren M. Fish

Treating meal refusal related to competing protective equipment, Chelsea R. Fleck

Comparison of discontinuous data-collection methods in applied settings, Ashleigh Gilman

Reduction of rapid eating in children with autism : generalization of a pager prompt, Joshua E. Goldsmith

Comparison of abbreviated and extended functional analyses, Lee S. Griffith

Comparison of differential reinforcement procedures of treating automatically reinforced behavior, Chelsea Hedquist

Prompting independent leisure using environmental cues in adolescents with autism, Audrey L. Holt

Do children with autism spectrum disorders prefer predictable schedules?, Dana F. Kelsey

Assessing preference for treatments to decrease inappropriate sexualized behavior in individuals with autism, Adelyn Kishbaugh

Increasing cooperation with activity transitions, Geguel F. Landestoy

Using multiple exemplar training to promote the generalization of waiting, Joshua T. Lee

Generalization of prepositional direction-following, Pay Wan Ling

Comparing the effectiveness of video modeling and video prompting with children with autism, Jennifer Morison

Effects of qualitative reinforcement schedule transitions, Andrew E. Nuzzolilli

Training staff to implement behavior management guidelines for individuals with developmental disabilities, Jessica Raney

Effects of increasing the molar rate of training sessions on response acquisition, Clara B. Steece

Assessment and treatment of disruptive behavior maintained by escape from dental procedures, Natalie M. Stepanik

Using a self-guided training package to teach implementation of functional analysis conditions, Elin Drofn Thorvaldsdottir

Further evaluation of enhanced written instructions, Shannon Ward

Procedures for increasing vocational independence in children with autism, Laura E. Wilhelm

Theses/Dissertations from 2015

Identifying effective procedures for reducing arranging and ordering, Kaitlin Andrews

Evaluating the effects of motivating operations on skill acquisition, Rebecca A. Arsenault

Effects of delayed reinforcement of alternative behavior on food stealing, Kelly A. Benhart

Effects of consequences in latency-based functional analyses, Adam Bressler

Assessing anxiety in children with autism, Amanda Bullard

Functional analysis of problem behavior occurring during transitions from activity to activity, Stacy Jessica Cohen

Effects of differential consequences on preference assessment, Tabitha Collins


Design of a multi-element transducer for large volume acoustophoretic phase separation, Jason P. Dionne


Feasibility study on the efficacy of an acoustophoretic blood filtration system, Brian P. Dutra

Increasing procedural integrity with graduated guidance through video modeling, Eleanor Giles

Combined-category preference assessments : do edible and leisure items displace attention?, Nicole Goldberg


Experimental study of nitinol wire arrangements as servo-biomimetics for facial muscles, Nasir Ghazi Hariri

Comparing the use of video and pictorial stimuli in paired stimulus preference assessments, Elizabeth Harlan

Training therapists and parents how to implement joint attention procedures, Brianna Holohan

Comparison of matrix training and non matrix training of imitation of actions with objects, Asa Run Ingimarsdottir


Design of a control system for acoustophoretic filtering, Jason T. John

Comparison of the effects of DRO and DRL schedules on problem behavior, Julienne LeBlanc

Effects of pre-session exposure to reinforcers on correct responding and problem behavior of children with autism, Charlotte C. Mann

Relative predictive validity of preference assessment types for leisure engagement during unstructured downtime, Paige R. Marquis


3D framework of acoustophoretic particle filtration systems, Ari Mercado

Acquisition of a play skill using backward chaining with and without a brief auditory stimulus, Nicole Connor Moore

Using matrix training to promote generalization of responding to greetings, Chelsea Muscoe

Generation of contextually relevant stimulus control for initiation of leisure activities, Stephanie Muse

Comparison of positive and negative reinforcement in treatment of aggression maintained by social avoidance, Zoe Newman

Children in responsive play, Caitlin O'Reilly

Generalization effects of mixed-trial and interspersed-mixed-trial tabletop procedures, Sheila Pickett

Increasing attending and compliance to on-screen instruction during telehealth sessions, Elizabeth Prescott

Effects of child responding on teaching implementation of skill-building procedures, Christopher Rapelye

Evaluating a training package for backward changing procedures, Christina Rodriguez de Vera

Teaching children with autism to orient to social stimuli, Sylvia S. Sng

Increasing medical adherence for individuals with autism, Hailee A. Stuesser

Assessment and treatment of multiple stereotypies using the augmented competing stimulus assessment, Courtney L. Webber

When teaching leisure isn't enough: increasing preference for leisure activities by embedding natural reinforcers, Fatima Zaidi

Theses/Dissertations from 2014

Abbreviated functional analysis and treatment, Bradley J. Assenzio

Comparison of echoic teaching methods, Sarah Camp

Evaluation of three strategies for presenting activity transmissions, Colton J. Cassanelli

Displacement and undervaluation of healthful foods by snack foods in preference assessments and caregiver surveys, Molly Courtemanche

Evaluation of the stimulus functions of tokens under clinically common schedule values, Joshua M. Jackson

Examining treatment for stereotypy in naturalistic contexts, Mariah Jacobs

Identifying reinforcers for use in treatment of automatically reinforced behavior, Jeffrey S. Kalles

Comparison of differential reinforcement procedures for treating automatically reinforced behavior, Jason Keeler

Evaluation of a brief response restriction preference assessment, Alan J. Kinsella

Toward an applied quantification of effort: correspondence between a concurrent-operants demand assessment and a progressive-ratio scale, Lindsay A. Lloveras

Functional analysis and treatment of immediate echolalia, Sarah Lundstrom

Treatment of anxiety in children with autism, Brittany N. Noyes

Effects of variability constraints in the form of lag schedules on structure diversity in a virtual block building environment, Lauren Palmateer

Training direct-care staff to implement differential reinforcement of alternative behavior protocols using a distance learning training package, Jessica Sawicki

Examining the role of peer attention in maintaining problem behavior using indirect questionnaire, direct observation, and functional analysis, Jeffrey Schram

Assessment and treatment of inappropriate sexualized behavior for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Samantha Sterbenz

Evaluating the effects of motivating operations on reinforcer assessment outcomes, Sarah St. Germain


The Oxbow Rivalry, Cory Strait

Comparison of preference assessment methods, Amanda L. Verriden

Using video modeling to teach parents how to expand their child's play and language, Alison Wright

Implementing parent training to produce skills in the home environment, Margaret A. Yost

Theses/Dissertations from 2013

On the utility of matrix training for teaching action-object relations to an adolescent with autism : a comparative analysis, Lydie Biedron

Facilitating discriminated responding within concurrent chains arrangements for an adolescent with autism, Zachary Bird

Observational learning and children with autism, Madeline J. Budzen

Conditioning brief stimuli via a schedule thinning procedure, Sara L. Daugherty

Comparison of two NCR procedures without extinction for escape-maintained problem behavior, Caleb Davis

Teaching parents to implement video modeling, Angela M. DeCormier

Examining the effects of simultaneous video modeling on teaching a multi-step exercise routine, Rachael Dillon

Teaching social initiations using a video modeling procedure, Meredith Dorr

Effects of intercomponent intervals on pausing in rich-lean transitions, Whitney Eakin

Comparison of momentary time sampling procedures within a clinical setting, Nicole Forbes

Response patterns during token schedules of reinforcement with adolescents diagnosed with autism, Kathryn R. Glodowski