Master's Theses

Master's Theses



Theses/Dissertations from 2020

Delay and denial tolerance training for automatically maintained behavior, David Baker

Using a visual imaging treatment package to establish remembering in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Meacha L. Coon

Teaching staff to implement reinforcer assessments, Kaytlin Dann

Use of denial and delay tolerance training in the treatment of automatically maintained behavior, Dewey DeLisle

Behavioral persistence during intervention, Alex Elfont


Production of Pyrex coated metal micro-wires from a preform and its applications, Suhrud Ghatpande


Optimizing ocean import minimum quantity commitment (MQC) fulfillment for North American ports of discharge, Stephen D. Giarrusso

Use of social referencing to teach safety skills to adolescents with autism, Fiona Goh Shi Zhen

Using antecedent strategies to teach implementation of the brief response restriction preference assessment, Kelly A. James

Concurrent schedules of differential reinforcement of alternative behavior in the treatment of problem behavior without extinctions, Emma R. Jehle

Use of video models and checklists to teach a problem-solving strategy when an item is missing from the environment to individuals with autism, Ashley Kucharski

Direct assessment of the impact of delated imitation training on video modeling performance, Alicia Zhi Hoon Lim

Evaluation of teaching errors related to prompt dependence, Kory Madden

Negative reinforcer magnitude manipulations without extinction for treating escape-maintained problem behavior, Jacqueline P. Marra

Increasing leisure item engagement in individuals with restricted interests, Abbie E. McVarish

Evaluation of the early markers of autism tool in low-risk infants, Patricia Piotrowska

Assessing observational learning with video models in children diagnosed with autism, Leslie Quiroz

Teaching children with autism to initiate joint attention using social reinforcers, Alessandra Rannazzisi

Examining procedures for training echoic responses, Nicole Scharrer

Using communication and toleration training to treat food selectivity of an adolescent with autism and severe problem behavior, Kyle Sears


Analysis of flow generated by piezoelectric actuator driven oscillating beams, Ganesh Sharma

Increasing procedural integrity using two different training models: video modeling and didactic instruction, Brandi Todaro

Further evaluation of the effects of motivating operations on skill acquisition, Kelly Trucksess

Evaluation of an indirect assessment for identifying tasks to include in functional analysis, Holly Wiggins

Theses/Dissertations from 2019

Exchange schedules affect the reinforcing efficacy of tokens, Brenna M. Anderson

Further evaluation of the effects of motivating operations on skill acquisition, Rachel Sara Barron

Comparison of segmented video modeling and video prompting for teaching response chains, Fannie Chen

Preference stability across assessment methods and stimulus arrays, Angela Elcan

Establishing stimulus control of motor stereotypy, Caroline Fearnley

Matching visual stimuli : does similarity matter?, Kelsey Flynn

Examining stereotypy when prompting appropriate behavior : reinforcement and response interruption and redirection, Rebecca A. Foster


Decision tree based approach for assessing inventory control under demand fluctuations, Yash Ulhas Gokhale

Use of social referencing to respond in the context novel stimuli, Jenna Gray

Increasing leisure item engagement in individuals with restricted interests, Valerie Hall

Effects of reinforcement magnitude on resistance to extinction, Kathryn Hartman

Thinning the schedule of high-quality reinforcement for prompted responses in a differential reinforcement procedure, Margaret Hawk

Generality of preference assessments, Amanda Kwok

Delay to reinforcement: an evaluation of skill acquisition, Sara C. Look

Matching in a gamified remote preparation, Veronica Medina

Effects on resurgence of multiple and single mand training, Jacob Pagano

Response interruption and redirection as a treatment for stereotypy via telehealth, Adrienne M. Reyerson

Effects of multiple exemplar training on the acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of joint-attention initiations in young children with autism, Mary Roberts


Numerical study of the effect of indentation patterns in prestressed concrete prisms using high performance computing, Cy J. Ryding

Assessment and treatment of stereotypy in infants at risk of ASD, Morgan Scully

Teaching joint attention using multiple exemplar training, Elizabeth Sloan

Establishing conditioned reinforcers via a schedule thinning procedure, Jeremy A. Steward


Liquid water droplet dynamics in a PEM fuel cell channel exposed to acoustic vibrations, Preston Ryan Stolberg

Generation of contextually relevant stimulus control for initiation of leisure activities, Elaina Strampach

Evaluation of inter-session duration in treating problem behavior during practice dental demands, Julia Szalwinski

Examining procedural variations of delivering competing stimuli in the treatment of stereotypy, Julia Touhey

Teaching parents to use graduated guidance via video modeling, Victoria Weisser

Displacement of healthful reinforcers in preference assessments: comparing the reinforcing efficacy of healthful foods and snack foods, Karen Yoshida

Measuring electrodermal activity in the context of shifting reinforcement contingencies, Andrea Zuchora

Theses/Dissertations from 2018

Evaluating the stability of preference over time in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Courtney Butler

Correlation between psychotropic medications and severe problem behavior and academic work completion in individuals with intellectual disabilities, Ava M. Calle

Remediating overselectivity in a compound matching-to-sample task with individuals with autism, Robert Chiaccio

Use of social referencing to teach safety to toddlers with autism, Kathryn Couger

Area under the curve as a measure of demand elasticity, Lesleigh Craddock

Comparison of mixed and multiple schedules for the treatment of PICA, Denise Figueroa

Skills-based treatment for stereotypy, Ellen Gage


PUMA 200 articulating robot arm rehabilitation, Aravinth Kumar Ganesan

Backward chaining with and without a brief auditory stimulus : a systematic replication, Andrew Grimminck

Effects of category and choice on preference, Jessica Gutfleish

Teaching initiating joint attention using multiple exemplar training to toddlers diagnosed with autism, Emily Harn

Evaluating stimulus-stimulus pairing presentations : massed pairing trials in comparison to conventional pairing trials, Michael A. Heiberger

Using matrix training to promote the generalization of responding to an instruction to stop, Kaitlin Hendrickx

Evaluation of competing item treatment efficacy for problem behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement, Charlotte Jamieson

Evaluation of methods for promoting social interactions during leisure for adolescents with autism, Erin Jarvis

Comparing stimulus set size on match-to-match sample training for a child with autism spectrum disorder, Madeleine Klibonoff


Optimization of membrane electrode assembly (MEA) parameters for air-breathing fuel cells in UAV's and commercial power applications, Patrik Landor

Comparison of discontinuous data collection methods for disruptive behavior in applied settings, Megan N. Lindsey

Evaluation of strategies for teaching social skills during leisure engagement, Chantal Little


Design and implementation of a secured IoT device for prognostics : an application on predicting battery cycles to failure, Yuan Liu

Categories of preference and their reinforcing efficacy, Christina E. Livingston

Examining the effects of behavioral skills in training on social praise deliver in Malaysian classrooms, Irene Looi

Effects of parent-implemented incidental teaching on complexity and generalization of mands, May Luong

Comparison of methods to assess the preference for work activities with an individual diagnosed with intellectual disabilities, Patrick A. Malloy


Design and analysis of nitinol-embedded silicone membranes for artificial skin, Paul C. Mazza

Evaluating behavioral skills training with parents to implement a paired-stimulus preference assessment, Alyssa McGregor

Assessing and treating anxiety in individuals with autism, Keira M. Moore

Assessment and treatment of social orienting and social referencing in children with autism, Pamela N. Peterson


Characterization of novel antennas made though additive manufacturing, Thomas Searles

Combined-category preference assessments : do edible and leisure stimuli displace social interactions?, Angelica J. Sedano

Comparing methods for teaching imitation: in-vivo versus video modeling, Arielle J. Stuhmer


Comprehensive study of protection issues related to the integration of distributed generation into the main power grid, Mohammed Ali Sumayli

Theses/Dissertations from 2017

Evaluating the use of alternative reinforcers to treat problem behavior maintained by access to tangibles, Samantha Anderson

Evaluating the use of a competing item during FCT schedule thinning, Lacy Cassidy

Identifying preferred break environments for individuals with escape-maintained problem behavior, Natalie Castelluccio

Assessing the effects of a modified DRO procedure from the perspective of behavioral momentum theory, Kylee Drugan-Eppich

Training staff to conduct competing items preference assessments using enhanced written instructions, Melissa Esser

Negative reinforcer value manipulations for treating escape-maintained problem behavior, Daniel Fredericks

Assessing and teaching orienting to distress in children with and without autism, Michelle Helms

Establishing response diversity in leisure and daily routines in individuals with autism, Aimee Kidder

Evaluation of a quick transfer trails for promoting skill acquisition, Colleen Anais Larson


The Missing Piece, Rebecca MacIntosh

Teaching cooking skills using matrix training and video prompting, Lauren-Ashleigh Niemand

Effects of a brief auditory stimulus in the acquisition of leisure skill response chains, Melissa O'Donnell

Evaluation of synthesized SSP and direct reinforcement procedures on rates of echoic responding in children with autism, Kaylea A. Quinn

Identifying reinforcers for use in treatment of automatically reinforced behavior, Katherine Rousseau


Design and development of real-time hardware in the loop control experiments, Justin Rowlands