Master's Theses

Master's Theses



Theses/Dissertations from 2013

Examining the effect of DRO and RIRD on behavioral momentum, Steinunn Hafsteinsdottir

Assessing the reinforcing value of and preference for token reinforcement systems, Caitlin Heer

Comparison of discontinuous data collection methods for disruptive behavior in applied settings, Lindsay N. Kane

Comparison of methods to assess preference for work activities with an individual diagnosed with autism and an intellectual disability, Brittney Lucibello

Effects of motivating operations within reinforcer classes on skill acquisition, Randi Mahoney

Evaluation of response interruption and redirection on vocal stereotypy, Kimberly Marchetti

Teaching social initiations via direct instructions and preferred social consequences, Kimberlee A. McBride

Assessment and treatment of arranging and ordering in individuals with autism, Nicole M. Rodriguez

Use of social referencing to teach safety skills to adolescents with autism, Mackenzie Schroeder

Assessing bidirectional naming and the effects of mixed-trial and interspersed-mixed-trial teaching on its emergence, Katherine Spano

Effects of advanced notice in activity transitions, Jeffery C. Steimer

Theses/Dissertations from 2012

Assessing and enhancing the quality of social interactions with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Kristel E. Arauz

Decreasing vocal stereotypy in children with autism with limited vocal verbal repertoire, Lori L. Cesana

Establishing conditioned reinforcers via a schedule thinning procedure, Hilary L. Collins

Teaching play skills through video modeling without delayed imitation in repertoire, Stephanie DeQuick

Differential reinforcement of prompted versus unprompted responses, Christine A. Guay

Evaluating the paired stimulus preference assessment for identifying social interaction for skill acquisition, Kaley R. Knapp

Replication of response blocking and re-presentation in a competing stimulus assessment, Ashley McMullen

Teaching join attention using social reinforcers : assessing generalization and maintenance of effects using multiple exemplar training, Brianne M. Monette

Evaluating brief graduated exposure protocol to treat disruptive behavior in the dental context, Emily Moore

Decreasing energy usage through the use of feedback, instructions, and rewards, Tanvi D. Pendharkar

Component analysis of self-monitoring for increasing task engagement, Samuel G. Sheets

Evaluation of procedural components of response interruption and redirection, Haley M. K. Steinhauser

Increasing accurate behavior data collection using the performance diagnostic checklist, Laura Sutherland

Clinical decision making : comparison of data presentation methods, Jenny Lynn von Rosen

Teaching social referencing to toddlers with autism, Carolyn Walker