Assessing and Increasing Physical Activity Engagement for Individuals with Autism
Document Type
College of Arts and Sciences
M.S. Applied Behavior Analysis
Date Completed
Fall 2023
First Committee Member
Thompson, Rachel H.
Second Committee Member
Bourret, Jason C.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often live sedentary lifestyles and are at risk for not meeting the CDC’s recommendations for 60 min of daily to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for children, which can lead to serious health concerns (U.S. Department of Health Services, 2018). Therefore, it is important for behavior analysts to identify strategies for increasing physical activity engagement with individuals with ASD. However, there is limited research evaluating interventions for increasing physical activity engagement for children with ASD. The purpose of this study was to assess a physical activity analysis and subsequent intervention for increasing physical activity engagement in an individual with ASD. First, a physical activity analysis, that involved singly presenting physical activity tasks while sequentially introducing treatment components to increase physical activity, was conducted. Once the most effective physical activity and treatment combinations for increasing physical activity were identified, the intensity and duration of the exercise were increased. Lastly, a social validity analysis was conducted to determine if the participant preferred a sedentary activity or the physical activity with the effective treatment.
Recommended Citation
Rae, Lauren, "Assessing and Increasing Physical Activity Engagement for Individuals with Autism" (2023). Master’s Theses - College of Arts and Sciences. 289.