Document Type



College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Occupational Therapy


Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Report Date


Faculty Mentor

Adams, Brittany

Doctoral Experiential Coordinator

Latour, Debra


"This doctoral experiential capstone aimed to enhance community access to occupational therapy services and provide evidence that a student led-center can effectively promote continued care for clients in need. The Springfield and Hampden County communities lack access to health care services due to a large number of residents requiring government assisted programs to fund healthcare needs. This can pose challenges for individuals who sustain complex injuries or are diagnosed with conditions that require extensive rehabilitative services years post-onset. Funding skilled therapy services for these clients may come with limitations due to insurance company policies such as caps on therapy visits per year and lack of affordable services. Clients are discharged for these reasons and may leave therapy with unmet needs. It was found that The Bringing Equity, Accessibility and Rehabilitation to People Achieving Wellness (BEAR PAW) Center can help to alleviate community members' barriers to care by providing student-led occupational therapy (OT) interventions at no cost to clients. The BEAR PAW Center creates a unique opportunity for student occupational therapists and center volunteers to increase access to OT services and create competent and confident future practitioners."
