Document Type



College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Occupational Therapy


Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Report Date


Faculty Mentor

Levine, Minna

Doctoral Experiential Coordinator

Rainville, Ellen B.


"All substances whether pharmaceutical or illicit have adverse health consequences, illicit substances in particular. Most illicit substances are made in illegal labs, cut with other materials, and are not made to a standard compared to pharmaceutical substances. Resulting in individuals being unaware of what they’re truly using and the potential harm. The health effects associated with illicit substance use are well known. However, the effects that illicit substances have on functioning often go unaddressed. Individuals with illicit substance use disorders (SUD) will experience functional impairments in Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL’s), along with mental, sensory, and bodily functions. Occupational therapy can mediate and reduce functional impairments by minimizing the potential harm in ADL’s via health promotion, secondary and tertiary health prevention, and adaptation of intervention based on the individual’s functional, bodily, sensory and cognitive capabilities."
