University Archives

University Archives


The Western New England University Archives Digital Collections document the history of the University from its time as an extension school of Northeastern University, to the establishment of an independent college, to the University it is today. The collection includes yearbooks, student newspapers, photographs, commencement programs, and other items of historical interest.

The University Archives provides access to its collections for educational, personal and non-commercial use, provided that ownership is properly cited. A credit line should read: Courtesy of Western New England University Archives. Any commercial use without written permission is prohibited. Other individuals or entities may also own copyright to content within the digital archives Researchers assume full responsibility for obtaining proper rights to material cited or reproduced.

The Western New England University Archives includes text and photos from various periods and should be viewed in the context of the era in which they originated. Materials in the Archives are for historical research purposes, and do not necessarily reflect the current position of the University.


Browse the University Archives Collections:

3MT (Three Minute Thesis)

Alumni Magazines

Commencement Programs


School of Law

Student Newspapers

WNE History
