Document Type



College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Occupational Therapy


Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Report Date


Faculty Mentor

Wells, Erin

Doctoral Experiential Coordinator

Latour, Debra


"Maternal mental health disorders significantly impact expectant mothers, causing complications during childbirth and affecting their ability to adjust to their new roles. Overwhelming feelings, anxiety, and sleep deprivation can hinder a mother’s ability to adjust to their new role. Occupational Therapy Practitioners (OTPs) can play a crucial role in supporting mothers during the perinatal and postpartum periods. There is a significant need for pregnant or mothers, who are of color to receive optimal mental health care. It is essential to prioritize the unique mental health needs of women of color during and after pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both mothers and their infants. The researcher focused on developing targeted educational materials specific to this population and topic. These materials were integrated into the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) curriculum at Western New England University. The objective was to assess the impact of these materials and learning experiences on the confidence levels and knowledge of entry-level OTD students. Additionally, a service-learning opportunity was established, allowing students to apply their knowledge by engaging with residents at Christina's House, a local community organization. The results of the study indicated an overall improvement in student confidence across the identified objectives. The integration of education on maternal mental health for women of color, combined with practical experience through service-learning, positively influenced the growth of knowledge among entry-level OTD students."
