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On October 17, 2008, the Western New England College School of Law and School of Business jointly hosted the third annual Conference on Entrepreneurship and Community Economic Development (Conference). The Conference was sponsored by the Western New England College Law and Business Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship (Law and Business Center or Center) as one of its many educational outreach efforts and service projects. This issue of the Western New England Law Review provides a record of the Articles that were presented at the Conference. The Law and Business Center offers students an outstanding opportunity to apply, expand, and refine their knowledge and skills in entreprenuership and business development. Our goal is to educate legal and business professionals who are prepared both to assist entrepreneurs and to become entrepreneurs themselves. The two main objectives of the Law and Business Center are: (1) to provide legal and business technical assistance for entrepreneurs; and (2) to sponsor educational and informational events focused on entrepreneurship and economic development. The flagship program of the Center is the Small Business Clinic (Clinic), which has been in operation for more than five years. During that time, the Clinic has served over one hundred businesses on projects dealing with both business and legal matters.

Recommended Citation

Eric J. Gouvin, Symposium: Entrepreneurship In a Global Economy, Foreword: Entrepreneurism in a Flat, Green, Cash-Strapped World, 31 W. NEW ENG. L. REV. 581 (2009).
