Expanding Joint Employer Status: What Does it Mean for Workers and Job Creators?

Document Type

Response or Comment

Publication Date



In a hearing on H.R. 13 before the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, House Committee on Education and the Workforce, 113th Congress (2014), Professor Harris Freeman presented testimony on Expanding Joint Employer Status: What Does it Mean for Workers and Job Creators? His testimony focused on the economic realities and legal issues relating to joint employer status in workplaces where extensive subcontracting of core business functions depends on temporary staffing services and franchising relationships.

Recommended Citation

Expanding Joint Employer Status: What Does it Mean for Workers and Job Creators?, Hearing on H.R. 13 Before the Subcomm. on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, H. Comm. on Education and the Workforce, 113th Congress (2014) (statement of Professor Harris Freeman).

H Freeman Testimony-Joint Employment.pdf (91 kB)
Testimony Transcript

This document is available upon request to Western New England University faculty, students, and staff. Please contact D'Amour Library at dref@wne.edu for access.
